Matcha Tea for Acne: Can Matcha Tea Help Get Rid of Acne?

Matcha Tea for Acne: If you have not yet discovered the magic of matcha tea, you are in for a serious skin awakening. Matcha is a powerful powder form of green tea.

It can be eaten anytime of the day and is a great coffee restoration. Drinking green tea has been shown to reduce sebum in the skin, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity.

If you are suffering from acne, the benefits of this Matcha Tea Skin Clearing can feel great too.

Matcha Tea for Acne

It’s hard to think of a drink that has more health benefits than green tea, even if it’s macha tea:

  • Helps prevent cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s
  • Promotes proper bone and dental health
  • Protects skin from UV damage
  • Increased fat burning to lose weight

In addition to improving your health in general, green tea can help clear the skin by touching every root cause of acne, from insulin to inflammation.

Matcha is a high quality green tea from Japan. It is made from small tea leaves that have been shaded from the sun during the last few weeks of growth.

It gives a vibrant bright green color.

Matcha Tea for Acne

Matcha tea comes in powder form and can be mixed into smoothies, baked as food or taken as hot or cold tea.

There have been claims that samurai warriors along with monks who pacify energy during meditation are an ancient drink spot that seeks to promote pre-Zen warfare.

Although I can not personally back up these claims, I can tell you for the first time that Macha Tea not only packs a lot of kick, but also improves my skin a bit.

Because it contains less caffeine than coffee, it is less likely to trigger the same stress hormones that cause acne.

I’m still getting a lot more, if not more energy and focus from Matcha, and caffeine comedones are not so bad.

Benefits of Matcha Green Tea for Acne

Being a form of green tea, Matcha has the same skin clearing benefits as regular green tea, but due to its potency and quality, these benefits can be enhanced and enhanced.

Although it is a bit expensive, this edge really makes all the difference.

1. Matcha is packed with powerful antioxidants

It is important to take plenty of antioxidants to fight squalene oxidation, one of the root causes of acne.

Squalene oxidation occurs when the oil (sebum) found on your skin does not have enough antioxidants and nutrients to deal with incoming threats such as chemicals, bacteria, UV exposure and excessive oil production.

Antioxidants help prevent squalene oxidation from occurring in the first place, allowing your skin to maintain a healthy balance of having enough oil to protect you from external threats, while preventing pores.

Raw tea is packed with antioxidants, which help control and protect the oil on the skin from oxidation (which can turn bad and clog pores).

The core antioxidant found in matcha tea is epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG). EGCG can help prevent many root causes of acne like:

  • Decreased insulin resistance
  • Low production of sebum oil
  • The inflammation subsided
  • Protection from UV damage and free-radicals

One study found that macha green tea contained 137x more EGCG antioxidants than a common commercial brand green tea, and 3x more antioxidants than other types of green tea found in the scientific literature (R). It has so many antioxidants!

Due to its rich antioxidant profile, the process of acne formation is very rare, which in no way helps through scarring and EGCG consumption.

2. Matcha reduces insulin resistance

Insulin is the master hormone released when your blood sugar level rises after a meal. It helps absorb blood sugar (glucose) through all the muscles and cells that need it.

Unfortunately, many of us consume too much sugar and carbohydrates and as a result our insulin levels constantly rise.

This can lead to pores, inflammation and excessive oil production on the surface of the skin.

Fortunately, EGCG (Macha loaded antioxidant) naturally lowers insulin resistance and significantly helps in the absorption of glucose (R).

It is a huge success for clear skin, and the scar is crucial in your journey towards clear skin.

3. Matcha Anti Inflammatory

Inflammation is the cause of those nasty, red, angry pimples and whiteheads. Acne can have serious psychological issues, especially for adolescents.

As I am talking here, most people who suffer from acne have chronic inflammation caused by an unbalanced diet, so your body considers it a dangerous threat about any minor infection (like acne).

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The result is an endless cycle of scarring and infection, which leaves your face with redness and pimples.

Again, Macha Tea comes to the rescue. The antioxidants found in green tea have been shown to reduce the release of (R) pro-inflammatory cells in the body. Less inflammation means less pimples, whiteheads and acne scars – another huge pro to scar scar.

4. Matcha promotes a healthy gut

Our latest food diets are full of foods that destroy our digestive system.

Wheat, pasta, corn and some legumes all contain anti-nutrients called lactins, which can wreak havoc on the gut.

Unhealthy gut can lead to leaky gut syndrome, as a result of which these nutrients “leak” into your bloodstream and trigger inflammation – and as a by-product of this inflammation, you get, pimples.

Also Read: Health Benefits of drinking Clove Tea every day

Fortunately, Machcha comes to the rescue once again. Maca contains large amounts of polyphenols – micronutrients that break down into gut-friendly bacteria.

By creating beneficial probiotics they not only improve gut health but also actively work to prevent the growth of harmful pathogenic bacteria in the gut.

5. Reduces the level of hormones that cause acne pimples

Insulin-like growth factor 1, or IGF-1, a hormone triggered by insulin and milk consumption – is the perfect nightmare for acne.

Over the course of a few weeks, your skin goes through a natural process of removing and replacing old skin cells. IGF-1 produces a lot of cells in your skin that rise to the surface of the skin and clog pores.

Acne can have serious psychological consequences, such as bacterial overgrowth and acne.

IGCG limits the harmful effects of IGF-1 on the skin by directly blocking IGF-1 receptors and preventing them from ever being overdone in the first place. EGCG also limits sebum oil (R) production.

This means that you are less likely to get a blocked hole in the first place.

How to prepare matcha green tea

Matcha Tea for Acne

You have two options. Apply or drink topically. You can also try fighter gel with green tea extract.

There are so many ways to prepare macha, this macha tea lot recipe is extra delicious. You can buy macha powder at most health food stores so give it a try and see how good you feel from the inside.

Here’s how to make Matcha Latte!


  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 cup steamed or warm almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or coconut honey
  • 1 tab matcha powder
  • Cinnamon


  • Bring a cup of water to a boil.
  • After the water boils, pour it into your cup.
  • Mix the matcha powder and beat it until completely dissolved.
  • Pour honey and stir gently.
  • Add almond milk and stir.
  • Top your lot with cinnamon to taste.

Have fun every day!

The best type of matcha to buy for acne

When buying matcha or any tea, quality counts – but just like buying organic vegetables or grass-fed meats, buying the highest quality macha is not on everyone’s budget.

The great news is that the high-quality, organic, Japanese matcha is easy to purchase and affordable.

There are two main classes of matcha:

  • Festive – High quality, made from small leaves, especially for tea
  • Cooking – Low quality, made with other ingredients or used as tea

If you can afford it, high-quality, organic, festive macha often contains more antioxidants per gram – but the difference is less than you might think.

Below is a comparison of the two famous brands:

  • Jade Leaf Culinary Grade (~ $ 0.20 / g)
  • 130-140 mg catechins / g
  • 57-68 mg EGCG / g
  • Kenco Organic Festive Grade (~ $ 0.93 / g)
  • 134mg catechins / g
  • 70 mg EGCG / g

The culinary-grade in EGCGs is not just inches, although the festive grade costs more than 4x.

This means that if you buy macha for skin clearing purposes, the organic, Japanese-grown, culinary grade will be just fine.

The taste is a little bitter than the ritual-grade matcha, but you still get a lot of health benefits if you can get past that.

Here are some things to look for when purchasing high-quality matcha:

Make sure it is made in Japan – most new Chinese macha teas are emerging at a fraction of the cost of their Japanese rivals.

Why? They contain additives and often contain high levels of contaminants such as aluminum and fluoride, which can be harmful to your overall health and cause acne.

Make sure it is USDA-certified organic – this is a must for the spot, as it ensures that you can avoid pesticides and chemicals (especially fluoride) that are hidden in healthy foods and can cause you to break out.

Matcha’s organic brands are not hard to come by and they are not really expensive.

Make sure it has been tested for safety – some teas contain radiation and harmful metals that can cause serious health problems.

Check closely with manufacturers for proper safety tests for germs, pesticides, heavy metals and radiation.

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