How to Protect your Solar Panels from Hail in 2022

Hailstorms are not uncommon in many parts of the country and protecting your solar panels from hail is a difficult task.

The most destructive hail activity is often seen in the Midwest and South, where large hailstones can reach diameters of three to five inches. These large stones can cause severe damage to roofs, solar panels, and other structures.

It is important for homeowners living in storm-prone regions to take precautions against hail damage if they have installed solar panels.

Can Hail Damage Solar Panels?

Hail is a weather hazard that can quickly damage your solar panels and other electrical equipment to the point of not being able to function and in some cases, permanent damage.

If you’re in an area that is susceptible to hail, there are many things you can do to protect your solar panels and other equipment from this threat.

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The first step would be to know when the next potential hail event might happen so you can plan ahead.

How Does Hail Damage Affect Solar Panel Performance?

Solar Panels from Hail

Hail can cause solar panels to function less effectively, which means that homeowners may pay more for electricity throughout the year.

Solar panels are susceptible to hail damage because they are made up of glass and metal, both of which hail causes to shrink.

Over time, dust will accumulate on the surface of the solar panel and cause it to decrease in efficiency.

In fact, recent research has found that hail has the potential to cause as much as $2.5 billion dollars in damages annually.

Hail can cause significant damage to solar panels, including cracked glass and damaged silicon cells, leading to decreased efficiency and increased costs for repairs.

How to confirm if your panel is damaged after hail

After a storm, there are many things you need to manage. Storing property, repairing damage, and figuring out if your panel is damaged are all items on the to-do list.

The first thing you should do after a storm is take down any panels that have hail damage.

 Then you can use a straight edge to examine the glass, looking for shards or dimples in the dome.

The moment you observe there is a decline in battery charging, we can consider that our solar panels are damaged.

How to Protect Solar Panels from Hail?

Hail is the damage that can happen to solar panels during a storm. Hail can cause major dents, bumps, and scratches on your solar panels, which will decrease the amount of energy produced. Fortunately there are several ways to protect your solar panels from hail.

You should take the following steps before the next storm hits:

  • Move your panels to an area with minimal exposure.
  • Determine if hail is a problem in your region
  • Create a barrier for the panels by putting them on top of something like a roof or deck

Use Plexiglass protectors To Protect Solar Panels from Hail

Hailstorms are one of the biggest threats to solar panel owners because hail can cause costly damage to both panels and inverters.

Plexiglass protectors are designed to withstand hail storms to reduce the risk of costly repairs.

Plexiglass protectors can be installed to cover panels or they can be attached to tall, heavy objects in the yard to provide protection for your solar panels.


In conclusion, I would like to say that you should have a qualified hail shield installer protect your solar panels from hail in 2022. Hail can cause significant damage to solar panels so it is important to take the necessary precautions.

In 2022, hail poses a real threat to any home or business with solar panels. You want to make sure you have a qualified hail shield installer to keep your panels protected.

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